Monday 3 December 2012

Weight Loss Protein Shakes For Fun Weight Loss

As I mentioned in a previous post, you need to have fun loosing weight. Below are a few videos that you may like as they are not your ordinary protein shakes.

Here is a Vanilla Pear Protein Shake 

Here is a Vanilla Fruit Punch Protein Shake 

I hope you enjoy these unusual protein shakes.

Loosing Weight

Loosing weight does not need to be hard or become a science, loosing weight should be enjoyable and a happy time. The worst thing you can do is to look in the mirror, this will only get you down. You should also not measure your weight everyday, this will also discourage you because your weight will fluctuate each day. weigh yourself once a week or every other week and reward yourself after each successful weigh in. Have a cheat day for each successful weigh in.

Happy weight loss to everyone trying, I know you can do it!

And Have Fun!